Our Visions and Values
Safe- “In nursery I have fun and I play, I like it at nursery”
We provide a safe, secure, inclusive environment filled with high quality learning spaces.
Healthy-“I can choose my own fruit and I’m able to butter my bread”
We value mealtimes and support positive mealtime experiences. We provide outdoor opportunities all day and in all weathers.
Achieving-“This is my floorbook, we have been learning about habitats”
We provide opportunities for healthy growth and development through dance, yoga, meditation, sports and outdoor learning.
Nurtured-”When I’m feeling tired or want a cuddle the ladies are always there”
Our environment supports opportunities for sleep and times to rest, relaxing mealtimes and homelike spaces for story telling. Staff have secure attachments with children.
Active-“I'm good at climbing, I can climb. I use the monkey bars in the garden”
We provide high quality spaces with appropriate provocations and passionate staff that are responsive and scaffold learning.
Respected- “I can show you my photos on my Learning Journals, I can tell you what I’ve learned”
We value and promote children’s rights and respond to children’s actions, emotions and words. We value our positive relationships with parents/carers, staff and the community.
Responsible-“I like crickets because they jump around, I want to learn more about them”
We promote leadership, ownership and peer collaboration. All children are given choices, encouraged to plan their own next steps and have the freedom to lead their own learning.
Included -“I have learned to pour my own milk by myself and now I can help others too“
Sunflower Nursery are passionate about equality, inclusion and promoting children’s rights. We value opportunities for active citizenship through Eco committee, forest school and links with local care-home.